As the number of Snapchat users increased to millions, the company required a database solution that could scale and adapt to changing daily needs. Eventually, Snap’s wise selection of databases resulted in lower latency, desired scalability, and infrastructure cost savings.
Continue ReadingHiren Dhaduk
Hiren is CTO at Simform with an extensive experience in helping enterprises and startups streamline their business performance through data-driven innovation.
AWS Fargate vs EC2 Pricing Comparison: Who Wins the Pricing War?
AWS Fargate and EC2 are two popular services from the stable of AWS. Many people think that Fargate is the pricier option, while some say EC2 is more costly. Who is correct? In this blog we conduct a detailed Fargate vs. EC2 pricing comparison to see who turns out to be a winner in this pricing battle.
Continue ReadingTop 10 Benefits of CI/CD your Organization Shouldn’t Ignore!
The buzz around CI/CD is growing by the day, and needless to say, every organization (whether it’s a software company or not!) will need to adopt a CI/CD model. It has become the cornerstone of building, testing, and deploying modern software and also lives up to the expectations of changing business dynamics.
Continue Reading10 CI/CD Best Practices for Your DevOps Team
CI/CD is neither a silver bullet nor a sure-shot medicine to your software development troubles. However, with the right approach, you can improve the CI/CD implementations and enable higher security, flexibility, and reliability of software deployments. So, here are some of the best CI/CD best practices to overcome challenges like security integrations issues, prioritization problems, and multi-environment complexities.
Continue Reading12 Best CI/CD Tools to Build a Solid Software Delivery Pipeline
Continuous integration and delivery is the best practice for DevOps and agile development. Here are the top CI/CD tools with their key features so you can pick the right one & integrate the power of automation in your CI/CD pipeline.
Continue ReadingAWS Lambda Provisioned Concurrency: Build High-performance Serverless Applications at Scale
AWS Lambda provides various benefits such as scalability, cost-efficiency, high availability, and more. But it also introduces cold starts and latency, decelerating your applications’ performance. This blog discusses how Lambda provisioned concurrency reduces cold starts and improves the speed and performance of your applications.
Continue Reading8 Key DevOps Principles and Practices [Insights From Industry Experts]
DevOps principles and practices have transformed how software development and delivery teams operate. It has added a new dimension that helps enterprises increase product quality, release frequency, and reduce errors. This article analyzes those key principles of DevOps and best practices by incorporating insights from industry experts.
Continue ReadingSoftware Development Life Cycle: Meaning, Phases, and Models
Software development calls for dive-deep planning, groundwork, and management like any other multifaceted system. However, for the project to go off seamlessly, you need a stringent plan that allows the software team to deliver excellent results promptly. Here a software development life cycle comes into play.
Continue ReadingAWS vs. Azure vs. GCP: A Complete Comparison Guide
AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP, the three vendors have cornered a major chunk of the cloud deployment market. A major dilemma that technical decision-makers in organizations who want to deploy cloud face is which cloud vendor to choose. In this blog, we have given a detailed comparison between the cloud majors to help you decide on the best cloud solution for your business.
Continue ReadingAWS Fargate Pricing: Cost Breakdown, Calculation, and Cost Optimization Tips
Pricing can be a major influencing factor when considering a serverless compute service, such as AWS Fargate. To help you understand the associated costs, this guide explains AWS Fargate pricing with a detailed cost breakdown, examples, and a checklist of optimization techniques to reduce Fargate costs.
Continue ReadingCI/CD Process: 6 Efficient ways for Continuous Improvement in SDLC
CI/CD processes can be tricky to implement if you don't have a strategy to overcome different challenges. Organizations face cost management, security integrations, automation, and performance consistency challenges. Here is a six-step strategy for your CI/CD processes to overcome different implementation challenges.
Continue ReadingCI vs CD: Know the Difference & Draw a Line
Despite sounding similar and overlapping at times, continuous integration and continuous delivery are subtly different. In this article, you’ll learn what benefits individual practices bring, what challenges they pose, their workflows, goals, tools, best practices, and more.
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