Tejas is a Senior Tech Consultant at Simform excelling in mobile and server-side technologies, with extensive experience in working closely with startups and enterprises. His expertise in understanding tech has helped businesses achieve excellence over the long run.

Application Modernization Benefits – Exploring the Future of Legacy Systems

Last Updated July 30, 2024
Application Modernization Benefits

Transforming monolithic systems with new features and services that align with the current market trends improves processes and business productivity. So, it is no surprise that modernizing applications is becoming a top priority for enterprises across the globe. In fact, around 80% of legacy applications will be modernized in the next five years.

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The Best Application Modernization Practices for Your Business

Last Updated July 30, 2024
Application Modernization Practices

The ever-changing market scenario urges enterprises to undergo a 180-degree shift in their existing processes and workflows. However, even today, most enterprises have core applications that operate on an on-premises dedicated environment causing roadblocks to success, such as - reduced productivity and scope of innovation, ineffective data management, security vulnerability, etc.

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15+ Popular Companies Using Node.js in 2024

Last Updated February 02, 2024
companies use nodejs

You might have heard how Node.js apps power businesses with high speed & performance. However, what are these businesses? & which companies use node.js? Are these common questions you stumble upon while reading about Node.js? If so, this blog will help you navigate 17 of our favourite & top global companies which use Node.js in production and help you identify their challenges and results.

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Node.js vs Python: Which backend technology to choose in 2024?

Last Updated January 31, 2024
Node.js vs Python

Node.js vs Python are two of the most compared backend technologies on the web -- the first is older and more established while the latter is up and coming. Since both are very popular for web-app development, a thorough comparison is necessary before you choose one over the other. In this article, explore a comprehensive study of advantages, disadvantages, and tech similarities. And more importantly, which of the two best suits your development needs and when.

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