Move to AWS with Confidence: A Migration Guide for IT Managers

Guide to simplify aws migration prespective mockup

Downloaded by 500+ CTOs and other senior leaders.

What’s inside the ebook

This comprehensive guide provides CIOs, CTOs, and IT leaders with strategic guidance and actionable steps for successfully migrating applications to AWS Cloud. Get practical migration insights from real-world examples of leading companies like Coca-Cola, Pinterest, Jack in the Box, etc.


How to plan, execute, and manage AWS migration

Understand the AWS-recommended three migration phases – assess, mobilize, and migrate & modernize. We also share useful tools and migration strategies straight from the AWS playbook.

Lessons from successful AWS migrations by global leaders

Explore case studies of how leading enterprises have approached cloud migration with AWS and the factors that contributed to their success.

tips to manage
Planning Prioritization Application Redevelopment

Simform’s approach to migrating and modernizing applications

Discover how Simform helps modernize applications. Get an inside look at our systematic approach to AWS migration honed over years of experience.

3 Reasons to read this ebook

Migrating to the cloud is complex. A major roadblock IT leaders face is years of technical debt within legacy infrastructure not suited for the cloud. This strains migration timelines and leaves systems operating far below the efficiency that the cloud promises.What’s needed is a strategic migration approach centered on assessments that expose technical debt, followed by iterative modernization efforts while keeping business disruption low.This definitive eBook shares migration lessons from global giants, covering proven AWS best practices and tools for:

Assessing migration readiness

Selecting optimal migration strategies

Ensuring security and compliance

You’re in good hands!

As an online car marketplace, system uptime and low latency is crucial for us. By leveraging Simform’s containerized microservices architecture on AWS, we improved our website performance metrics drastically despite traffic spikes. As small business owners, seeing our cost savings from closing our data centers was the icing on the cake.”

– CTO at a fast-growing startup

Why Simform?

With Simform, you can put together a perfect solution that accommodates your business objectives. We’ll help you realize the power of end-to-end application modernization, and achieve extraordinary success.

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