CarSaver: A complete one-stop solution for all your car buying requirements

Category: Automobile/SaaS

Services: Managed Engineering Teams, AWS managed service Config, DevOps,Cloud Architecture Design, and review, Policy and Compliance Management, Security Auditing and Threat Detection, Configuration Remediation, Change Management and Tracking

  • 99% accuracy in tracking and recording resource configurations
  • Reduced compliance violations by 98%.
  • Reduced response time for resource configuration deviations by 70%.

About CarSaver

CarSaver’s platform offers an all-in-one solution for buying, renting, leasing, insuring, and upgrading cars from 30+ automobile brands, including Hyundai, Mercedes Benz, Mazda, Volvo, and Porsche. The platform is built on AWS using secure, multi-tenant infrastructure, AWS database services, and infrastructure-as-code principles to ensure regulatory compliance and simplify management for CarSaver’s customers.

Problem Statement

  • To build an efficient and secure multi-tenant solution.
  • Checking the eligible customers for Upgrade and generating deals for them
  • Configuring a recurring process for marketing and nurturing the leads
  • Displaying suitable trades to upgrade their current vehicles
  • Generating different offers for the customers
  • Displaying proper finance amount and calculations
  • The client wanted a trade recommendation service for trades in second hand cars
  • For security and compliance purposes clients wanted to audit each and every incoming request that comes into their network
  • Client wanted to ensure database is compliant with data protection policies to ensure compliance for regulatory requirements
  • The client wanted to ensure configuration of the AWS resources and environment should be in compliance state and the security team should be notified in case of violation.
  • To make infrastructure management less error prone.
  • Remote access of AWS resources was required and it should be integrated with their existing SSO.
  • A reliable and secure code was required.

Proposed Solution & Architecture

  • To check the eligible customers for upgrade and to generate best deals for them, we run ETL jobs on AWS Lambda with DynamoDB as a database service.
  • AWS Config is seamlessly integrated into our solution, enabling comprehensive configuration management for the client’s AWS resources.
  • It continually tracks and records resource configurations, ensuring they adhere to defined standards and policies.
  • We implemented multi-tenancy also by segregating the client’s data into different tables using AWS DynamoDB.
  • The client wanted us to build a system for marketing and nurturing leads. We used third-party tools like Iterable for marketing and voile for customer management.
  • The client wanted that the users who wished to upgrade their current vehicles should be shown the best trades. We used offerlogix to display the offers and Amazon RDS to store the data.
  • The client wanted the users to get different offers. We used offerlogix for this purpose and the tool now displays the different deals available to the user.
  • We use the AWS Lambda function to calculate the finance amount and return the calculations.
  • We used aws lambda which analyzed the data and returned recommendations.
  • To ensure security, we implemented a monitoring system using Amazon VPC cloud, network firewall, and VPC flow log. We also used a web application firewall to mitigate application layer attacks.
  • For the database we have used Amazon Aurora and AWS backup service to ensure data protection compliance is followed.
  • Our team has set up AWS Config that enables the client to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of the client’s AWS resources and environment.
  • We’ve configured AWS Config with custom rules and policies tailored to the client’s specific compliance and security requirements.
  • This ensures that the client’s AWS environment remains not only compliant but also secure.
  • Our experts have used the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) for defining cloud infrastructure as code with modern programming languages and deploying it through AWS CloudFormation.
  • To efficiently manage common access and security requirements, we have implemented Hub and spoke a networking model using AWS native networking tools such as AWS client VPN , network firewall, transit gateway, VPC etc.
  • Our engineers used SonarQube to automate code analysis and review. The tool also helps the developers identify potential security vulnerabilities in the code, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

Overall, our team built a reliable and secure multi-tenant solution for CarSaver to manage their customers, trades, and offers, while also ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

Metrics for Success

  • The expenses for development and staging infrastructure were lowered by 40-50%.
  • The system is now down for 1/3 of the original duration, reducing overall downtime.
  • AWS Config achieves 99% accuracy in tracking and recording resource configurations.
  • AWS Config ensures real-time compliance monitoring, reducing compliance violations by 98%.
  • Automated alerts from AWS Config reduce response time for resource configuration deviations by 70%.

Architecture Diagram

AWS carsaver architecture diagram

AWS Services

  • AWS Lambda: We ran ETL jobs on AWS Lambda to generate prospects for the client, for marketing, for nurturing these prospects, and for generating deals for the users.
  • AWS Config: AWS Config is a fully managed service that tracks the configuration history and configuration change notifications to use security and governance.
  • Amazon DynamoDB: Amazon DynamoDB was utilized as the central database service for storing customer data, trade-related information, lead data, marketing activities, configuration settings, and code management in the project.
  • Amazon Aurora: Database storage solution that  we used for database compliance purposes also.
  • Amazon CloudWatch: We used AWS Cloudwatch to generate alarms and for application log generation and as a monitoring solution to monitor the resource utilization metrics.
  • Amazon CloudFront: We have used Cloudfront to serve static content.
  • Amazon S3 buckets: We used AWS S3 buckets to store configuration files and to store customer data files.
  • Amazon Elastic Container Service: All application services run in the container service. Thus we used the Amazon Elastic Container Service for application deployment as a container orchestration tool. 
  • Elastic Load Balancing: The AWS elastic load balancing service is used as a service load balancer.
  • AWS Auto Scaling: The client wanted a scalable solution. So we used AWS autoscaling to scale up or down according to incoming traffic/load.
  • AWS ELasticache: To cache sessions and common data to reduce pressure on backend databases.
  • AWS CDK & CloudFormation: For IaC(infrastructure as a code).
  • AWS ALB: We are using it for load balancing.
  • AWS WAF: AWS WAF helps us to protect against common web exploits and bots that can affect availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources.
  • AWS client VPN: A fully-managed remote access VPN solution we use to securely access resources within AWS.
  • AWS network firewall: AWS Network Firewalls intrusion prevention system (IPS) provides active traffic flow inspection so we can identify and block vulnerability exploits.
  • AWS SecurityHub: AWS Security Hub provides a comprehensive view of our security state in AWS and helps check our environment against security industry standards and best practices.

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