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Automating RFQ lifecycle for a leading manufacturer of utility transmission parts

Category: Manufacturing, Power & Utility

Services: Enterprise App Development, App Modernization, API & System Integration, Cloud Migration, DevOps, QA



Reduced turn around time to produce a quotation.


Implemented an automated inventory process.


Streamlined pre-manufacturing processes.


The client, a market-leading manufacturer of utility transmission structures and small cell towers for the utility and telecom industry, wanted to digitize and migrate legacy applications and databases to the cloud.

  1. Automating sales and quotation process
  2. System integration for structural blueprint
  3. Numerous considerations with no scope for error
  4. Migrating legacy system to cloud infrastructure 


We provided a solution for automating the sales and quotation process to reduce the turnaround time and digitize the manual process.

  1. Automated inventory verification process
  2. System integration to achieve consistency across units
  3. Seamless migration of the legacy system to the cloud
  4. Secured company infrastructure in a remote environment

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Hardik Shah Hardik Shah

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