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FreeWire: EV charging platform to revolutionize the way we power everything

Category: Power & Utility, EV

Services: Product Development Services, IoT Development Services, Cloud-Native Development



Electronic vehicles charged.


Reduction in development time by 10 hours per week.


Less RAM consumption with cache optimization.


FreeWire Technologies builds mobile power solutions that meet customers’ growing needs for rapid, cost-efficient power. The company wanted to build a software solution to manage its fleet operations’ servicing and management, enabling users to request charging services.

  1. Least possible downtime
  2. Processing millions of data streams a day
  3. Solving GPS data fluctuation challenges
  4. High performance while managing multiple charge requests


We developed a cloud-native application that powers thousands of mobile EV charging stations. The application provides intuitive data to measure the success rate of charging locations. Our solution involved,

  1. Processing streams of data using microservices
  2. Handling large volumes of data with SQL + NoSQL
  3. Improving geolocation accuracy for customer experience
  4. Automating the entire deployment process

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Hiren Dhaduk

Creating a tech product roadmap and building scalable apps for your organization.

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