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Real-time logistics tracking and management solution with advanced analytics

Category: Hi-tech, Digital natives

Services: Data Engineering, Digital and Experience Engineering, Digital Product Engineering



Improvement in operations with real-time tracking


Reduction in errors


VINs tracked


The client wanted to build a global-level, real-time tracking system to monitor and accurately track shipments across rail, road, and ocean with minimal delays. They wanted the system to seamlessly integrate with their existing Oracle database while ensuring data synchronization across different transportation modes and carrier systems. They also wanted a flexible and secure role-based access control system to manage complex hierarchies while maintaining data integrity. 


We built a real-time logistics platform using AWS Glue to automate vehicle data processing, streamline vehicle tracking, analytics, and decision-making, and ensure accurate trip details and delay updates. We integrated Here Maps for seamless geolocation tracking and added predictive analytics with AWS Forecast and Scikit-learn to improve delivery efficiency. The platform provided insights into on-time delivery, aging VINs, and carrier performance to the client through a personalized vehicle dashboard. We also incorporated role-based access control and encryption for compliance.

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Hiren Dhaduk

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