Software Development

In our software development blogs, we address real-life challenges faced by IT professionals, CTO’s, and startups that deliver software development services. We share best practices, guides, case studies & solutions.

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Micro Frontend Architecture: The Newest Approach To Building Scalable Frontend

Last Updated April 13, 2023
preview micro frontend architecture

The micro-frontend architecture has slowly but gradually gained popularity and has now become one of the most sought-after frontend development strategies. Developers appreciate the agility and freedom that comes along with this architecture and organizational stability it imparts is making life easier for CTOs worldwide. With multiple implementation strategies and tons of advantages, the micro-frontend architecture seems set to revolutionize frontend development and scaling.

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11 Key Principles to Build Scalable Frontend Projects

Last Updated April 06, 2023
principles to build scalable frontend

When Netflix went from less than a million subscribers to over 9 million in 2008, it had a critical decision to sustain that gold rush of new subscriptions without affecting the existing users. While still dealing with database corruption, the company had to rapidly scale the platform to accommodate more users. So, what happened next- did it rebuild the application?

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Express vs. React: What to Choose- an Excellent Backend or a JS Library?

Last Updated November 11, 2022
Express vs. React

Planning to develop a web app and wondering which technology to choose? Here we are with a detailed comparison between the popular backend technology Express and frontend library React. As much as it may seem unfair to compare them, many CTOs find it confusing to decide which one is better? So, the answer to all your doubts is here!

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Polymer vs. Vue: In-depth Analysis of Top Frontend Platforms

Last Updated March 13, 2024
Polymer vs Vue

While developing a frontend application, everyone wants an out-of-the-box approach that will instantly reveal one’s potential as a brand. Here’s the catch: there is no silver bullet to developing a top-notch application. With so many frameworks, JS libraries, and platforms to choose from, you need to make an informed decision on making the correct decision.

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Bootstrap vs. Material – A Detailed Comparison [2024]

Last Updated February 13, 2024
Bootstrap vs. Material

When you develop a web app, what is the one thing that makes it most alluring for consumers? It's the UI or User Interface. For an enhanced UI, you need an excellent frontend framework, and that is where Bootstrap and Material come into play. Which one to choose between Bootstrap and Material becomes difficult for many CTOs. For all such doubts and dilemmas, here we are with a comprehensive comparison of Bootstrap vs. Material.

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Polymer vs. React: A Complete Comparison Guide for CTOs

Last Updated November 11, 2022
Polymer vs. React

Have you ever wondered if there’s a master key (read perfect development stack) that opens all doors to app development and helps you build an exceptional web app? We all are guilty of it. Sadly, there is no silver bullet to easy web app development, which is why CTOs and VPs should keep an eye out on the new and upcoming frontend/backend development platforms and how organizations worldwide are using them to their benefit.

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