Product Engineering

Read our digital product engineering blogs with insights from our developers.

How to Estimate Custom Software Development Costs for your Projects?

Last Updated January 16, 2024
custom software development costs costs

Custom software has garnered more attention in recent years than off-the-shelf software. They are scalable, flexible, and offer a much more personalized experience. But, there is always confusion among CEOs and CTOs on the cost of custom software development? Here, we discuss different factors that can affect custom software development costs and the average price in the market.

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Node.js vs. PHP: An Honest Comparative Study With All the Answers

Last Updated April 13, 2023

PHP and Node.js are two of the major backend technologies that power web applications. PHP is older between the two, so it naturally has a larger community and major projects in its kitty. That said, the PHP community has started realizing a lack of relevant and updated projects. Surprisingly, this is exactly where Node.js is most successful- building a strong user base across projects meant for modern-day use cases. 

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Node.js vs Django: Key differences, popularity, use cases and more

Last Updated April 03, 2023
Node.js vs Django

Web applications have become an essential part of every business today. Everybody looking to build a web application wants a fantastic framework to work with. Node.js vs Django is a common confusion when you think about choosing a high performing and scalable technology for web development. In this blog, we will give you a detailed comparison of Node.js and Django. You will understand how these are different from each other, and it will help you get out of the "Node.js vs Django" thought loop.

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21 Foolproof Ways To Optimize Checkout Page and Reduce Cart Abandonment

Last Updated November 11, 2022
checkout page preview

The checkout page is a critical junction of the customer journey. A strategically-built checkout page can boost the conversion rate and bring the cart abandonment rate down. This article gives you actionable tips and strategies to put things in order. We break down the four primary facets of a perfect checkout page- design, convenience, payment, and trust, and tell you can upgrade your checkout page for all the four departments.

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Custom Shopping Cart Development: How to Implement It Profitably

Last Updated September 25, 2023
Custom Shopping Cart

It can be frustrating to see thousands of people visiting your eCommerce store, adding products to their carts and not making purchases. Poorly designed and deployed shopping cart is one of the main reasons behind the high cart abandonment rate. In this article, you will learn about key considerations for developing a custom shopping cart.

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10 Angular Best Practices to Adapt in 2024

Last Updated January 30, 2024
Angular Best Practices

Whether you’re engaged in building customized web apps as a project manager, a frontend developer, or a CTO, you’ve most likely employed Angular. And it’s also possible that your web-apps may be Angular-powered but may still need the Angular best practices for exceptional app performance and organized code. 

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Top 8 eCommerce UX Strategies to Improve Conversion Rates

Last Updated November 03, 2022

User experience is often the differentiating factor between eCommerce businesses. While everyone is aware of the benefits of a pleasant eCommerce UX, most find it difficult to introduce the same on their online store. There are multiple facets to an awesome shopping experience and this blog is going to take through all of them. Continue reading to find out how you can improve customer satisfaction, and therefore sales, by improving the user experience.

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