Product Engineering

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No-code vs. Low-code vs. High-code: Which One to Choose?

Last Updated April 03, 2024
No-code vs. Low-code vs. High-code

No-code and low-code platforms provide rapid development, but there are limitations of customizations, integrations, and extensibility. On the other hand, high-code development offers high-level customizations with better extensibility. So, the question is which one to choose. Here are all the answers on what to choose and when between no-code vs. low-code vs. high-code.

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Agile Adoption Statistics: How is Software Development changing?

Last Updated January 25, 2023
State of agile adoption

Agile methodology has been the go-to approach for organizations that require continuous integration of user feedback with each iteration. Choosing the agile methodology has been beneficial for many organizations providing higher flexibility, scalability and productivity. State of agile adoption shows how much is the agile adopted, what is the reason behind it and top benefits.

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The Best Application Modernization Practices for Your Business

Last Updated July 30, 2024
Application Modernization Practices

The ever-changing market scenario urges enterprises to undergo a 180-degree shift in their existing processes and workflows. However, even today, most enterprises have core applications that operate on an on-premises dedicated environment causing roadblocks to success, such as - reduced productivity and scope of innovation, ineffective data management, security vulnerability, etc.

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Software Development Best Practices for High-Performing Teams in 2024

Software Development September 20, 2022
Last Updated January 31, 2024
Software development best practices

What comes to your mind first when you hear the word software development? Complex commands, coding standards, algorithms, and data structures. Right? The code written with strange symbols and characters sometimes seems like an alien language. But the truth is - leading software engineers recommend writing code that is easy to understand.

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