Building Enterprise Data Pipeline: How Billion-dollar Companies Leverage AWS Data Engineering Tools!

data engineering pipeline ebook

Downloaded by 120+ CTOs and other senior leaders.

What’s inside the ebook

This ebook is a practical, step-by-step blueprint to help you build a winning data engineering pipeline in the cloud. You’ll discover the right AWS tools that ensure a scalable, resilient, secure, and cost-effective data engineering infrastructure. We have also included real-world examples of how global enterprises like Netflix, Paytm, and Samsung leverage AWS data tools to drive business efficiency and growth.

Benefits of a data engineering pipeline

Benefits of a data engineering pipeline

Data pipelines help unlock the power of your most valuable asset– your data.

Discover how data pipelines drive business benefits by making data accessible, consistent, and flexible to ease collaboration and enable meaningful analysis.

Stages of a data engineering pipeline

The architecture of a modern analytics pipeline in the cloud has 6 logical layers.

Find out in detail how to build each layer of the pipeline architecture in AWS– ingestion, processing, storage, consumption, cataloging, and security.

Stages of a data engineering pipeline (1)
Managed services & tailored migration strategy

Tools for an efficient, agile build

Did you know that AWS has the most serverless options for data analytics in the cloud?

Know which AWS tools to use as building blocks for each layer of your data engineering pipeline to analyze petabytes of data from various sources.

Tackle the bottlenecks with expert tips

We have discussed the various challenges enterprises face when building data pipelines.

Learn valuable lessons from leading data-savvy organizations like Netflix and Paytm + tried and tested strategies by our experts to mitigate the challenges.

Bottleneck 800

Simform’s step-by-step data engineering process using AWS tools 

AWS services flow

Build a scalable & robust data foundation with us!

6 Reasons to read this ebook

Because it is not just a theoretical discussion! By the end of reading this ebook, you will be able to plan and build a robust data engineering architecture using AWS tools. Moreover, to help you start off on the right foot and accelerate the process of developing data pipelines, this ebook equips you with

Insights by our data experts

Step-by-step approach

Complete list of AWS tools

Real-world examples

Important trends in big data

Question to ask before you start

Learnings from the world’s leading companies utilizing AWS tools

Companies leveraging AWS

We’re your reliable AWS Advanced Consulting Partner


Have Questions?

If you have any questions, feel free to ask us. Our team of experts is always ready and happy to help.

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